Monthly Meetings
Monthly Meetings are the first Tuesdays of every month at the Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave, Dolores CO
Social time starts at 9:30am, and the business meeting begins at 10:00am.
Show & Tell follows the business meeting
Monthly Meetings are on the 3rd Saturday of every month at the Dolores Public Library at 10am.
Open to the public, show & tell and a welcome
H.A.T. (Hanging About Town)
To showcase our talent and get the word out about the Dolores Mountain Quilters, we hang quilts in public locations monthly or seasonally for everyone's enjoyment.
Currently we display quilts at the Dolores Public Library, Dolores State Bank (Dolores & Mancos locations), and Vectra Bank (Cortez location).
2025 Program Dates
Jan 7, 2025: Ice Breaker - The 3 T's
Feb 4, 2025: Sew & So's Charity and Boutique Sew after meeting
March 4, 2025: Paper Piecing w/Freezer Paper
April 1, 2025: April Worthington, Dyer and Weaver will talk about her process for Botanical Prints
May 6, 2025: Out of Town Speaker - Vicki Conley
Jun 3, 2025: Summer Potluck
July 1, 2025: TBD - Machine Maintenance
January 18,2025: Bargello Placements with Gail B.
February 15, 2025: Applique Demonstration
​March 15, 2025: Demonstration on deconstructed 4 patch and 9 patch. Plan to bring you sewing machine and tools